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We are specialized in circular sand- and manure separation systems for dairy farmers.

Sand provides more grip, which reduces leg problems for cows
Sand provides more grip, which reduces leg problems for cows

There are several advantages of the use of sand in the cubicles. We have listed them for you:

  1. Sand provides more grip, which reduces leg problems for cows
  2. Sand is comfortable, so cows lie down longer and this relieves the claws
  3. Sand is hygienic, which means fewer infections. And therefore healthier for the cows
  4. In addition the hygiene also reduces udder infections
  5. Sand has a cooling effect, the cows lie down longer in warm weather
  6. Sand provides more grip

 Cows like to rest and lie in the sand. Sand is comfortable and easily molds to the contours of the cow. As a result that the cows lie more in the natural position, as they would in the fields. Because of the comfort, the cow rest better, which is positive for the milk production. In addition sand is not slippery, the animals can stand up more easily, without the risk of slipping or falling down. The cow cubicles are cooler in the summer due to the cooling effect of sand.

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